Thursday, July 1, 2010


Do you enjoy writing? In my case, I can tell that I do. But it's not that simple.
I mean, I started writing when I was 4 or 5, when my sister taught me how to do it spelling my name. Then, I went to school, and always had to write dictations and essays about summer vacations. By the way, I think everybody had to do it as kid.
When I went to high school, I found some issues with writing, because my essays used to be too long, and I didn't know how to finish them. It was funny how I used to write so many endless stories... But despite of my issue, my language use was very good; I always liked Portuguese classes, including grammar. I started learning English when I was around 12, and fell in love with the new language.
Continuing, when I get into college, my writing was much better, but sometimes I felt like I was using a lot of words to express a simple idea. At least my language use and my vocabulary were not so bad!
Now, I find myself in a new situation: trying to improve my writing not only in my own language, but in English as well. I enjoy writing; however, it is something that requires inspiration, and this doesn't come so easily. I appreciate people who find some time to write among the various tasks in their routine, get this inspiration, and spend some of this rare moment expressing themselves with letters and words. I still find some difficulty in organizing my ideas on a paper, but I hope that with practice the improvement will come.


  1. Basically I like to write too. Sometimes I have a problem with essey, which include topic that I do not have much to say about.

  2. well, I always had problems writting even when I was in school. My essays used to be very short. However, I feel that I am doing much better now. Now, I feel that when I write I can by myself.

  3. uhhmmmmm... it is very hard for me to write. My problem is that i take too long to write essays because i dont have good imagination so it makes hard to write,then i have problems with the organization of my essays, but i am trying to do it, the best i can......
